A Masterclass in Growth Strategy Design & Execution

How to design, validate, plan, execute and audit a 10x business growth strategy within any organization, whether For-Profit or For-Purpose

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What you'll learn

Strategy for ambitious targets

You will learn how to use Theory of Constraints (TOC) to create a Strategy for achieving the very ambitious target of profitable, and sustainable growth target.

Create a financial model

You will learn how to create a Financial Model to accurately predict the impact of operational changes on Net Profit and ROI.

Use "Viable Vision" questions

You will learn TOC's "Viable Vision Questions" to help you identify the fewest changes needed to achieve your ambitious profitable growth target

Design a Strategy & Tactic Tree

You will learn how to design, validate, plan, execute and audit a "Strategy & Tactic" Tree for your company, using the Harmony Change Maker App

Course Description

In this Masterclass, Dr. Alan Barnard, CEO of Goldratt Research Labs, will share a breakthrough in how to collaboratively design, validate assumptions, plan, execute and audit the implementation of organizational change.

During the first part of this masterclass
Dr. Barnard will provide an overview of Theory of Constraints (TOC), created by Dr. Eli Goldratt, and how the 5 Focusing Steps of TOC can be applied to business strategy design to achieve a step-change in profitable growth.

In the second part of this masterclass 
You will, for the first time, gain access to the "Viable Vision" analysis and strategy design process, co-developed by Dr. Eli Goldratt and Dr. Alan Barnard, to help business owners and senior management teams identify the highest leverage changes needed to build, capitalize on and sustain a decisive competitive edge within their industry.

In the third part of this masterclass
You will learn how to use the insights gained from the Viable Vision analysis process to design, validate key assumptions, plan, execute and audit the necessary and sufficient Strategies & Tactics for achieving their ambitious profitable growth target.

In the final part
You will learn how they can use the award-winning Harmony Change Maker app to guide them through each of the above "Strategy & Tactic" design, validation, planning, execution, and auditing steps and also gain access to generic Strategy & Tactic Trees which they can customize for their business.

This course includes

  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • ​5 downloadable resources
  • ​Full lifetime access
  • ​Access on any device

Who this course is for

  • ​Senior Managers, Current or Future Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners
  • ​People interested to learn how to grow a business


  • Knowledge of your company's financial information (Sales Revenue, % Variable Cost and Net Profit)
  • ​An ambitious Profitable Growth Target for your company
  • ​(Optional) Register for the Free Harmony Change Maker App

Value Guarantee or Money-back!

If you did not learn anything or get any value from this Decision-making Masterclass, then we'll give you your money back!

You must have watched at least 80% of the videos in the masterclass to be eligible for a refund.

If you did not learn anything or get value from the Change-Making Masterclass, then we'll give you your money back!

You must have watched at least 80% of the videos in the masterclass to be eligible for a refund.
What others are saying

Jay Abraham shares his experience in working with Dr. Alan Barnard

"The man (Alan Barnard) is a genius who's able to take his brilliance and distill it down to elegant simplicity.
His ability to come up with mammoth identified ways to make the upside higher, the downside less, the timeline faster, minimize capital investment, minimize wasteful inventory. He really is a brilliant man, and I can't commend him to enough people. Anybody would gain unimaginable benefit by at least talking through your situation with him, I encourage you to seek the man out and he's a very, very, very good investment."

- Jay Abraham

"Dr. Barnard is an excellent teacher, mentor, guide. I'm learning so much from him and this course"
Kathy Ellis
"To the point, consistent and easy to follow."
Sverre Stornes
"A very effective tool for growth planning. The course fee is high but I don't regret. It paid off!"
Sabbir Nasir

Course Content

5 Sections - 20 Lectures - Total length of 2hr 50min

Section 1: Introduction

  • Introduction

1 Lecture - 3min

  • 02:53

Section 1: Introduction 
(1 Lecture - 3min)

  • Introduction (02:53)

Section 2: What is Theory of Constraints?

  • ​The 5 Focusing Steps of Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC)

1 Lecture - 5min

  • 05:11

Section 2: What is Theory of Constraints?
(1 Lecture - 5min)

  • ​The 5 Focusing Steps of Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC) (05:11)

Section 3: What is the Ultimate Constraint in any organization?

  • ​The Bottleneck is always at the TOP of the bottle

1 Lecture - 7min

  • 07:24

Section 3: What is the Ultimate Constraint in any organization?
(1 Lecture - 7min)

  • ​The Bottleneck is always at the TOP of the bottle (07:24)

Section 4: The Six Viable Vision Strategy Questions

  • Viable Vision Questions 1 and 2
  • ​Viable Vision Question 3
  • ​Viable Vision Question 4
  • ​Viable Vision Question 5
  • ​Viable Vision Question 6

5 Lectures - 32min

  • ​14:20
  • ​04:22
  • ​06:34
  • ​04:06
  • ​02:25

Section 4: The Six Viable Vision Strategy Questions
(5 Lectures - 32min)

  • Viable Vision Questions 1 and 2 (​14:20)
  • ​Viable Vision Question 3 (​04:22)
  • ​Viable Vision Question 4 (06:34)
  • ​Viable Vision Question 5 (04:06)
  • ​Viable Vision Question 6 (02:25)

Section 5: The Strategy & Tactic (S&T) Tree Process

  • Conventional vs. Goldratt's view on Strategy & Tactic
  • Designing a Strategy & Tactic Tree
  • ​Define and Validate Key Assumptions for each Change
  • ​Collaboratively creating an S&T with the ProConCloud
  • ​Summary of 5 Steps of the Strategy & Tactic Process

5 Lectures - 27min

  • ​09:45
  • ​04:06
  • ​04:58
  • ​04:50
  • ​03:12

Section 5: The Strategy & Tactic (S&T) Tree Process
(5 Lectures - 27min)

  • Conventional vs. Goldratt's view on Strategy & Tactic (​09:45)
  • Designing a Strategy & Tactic Tree (04:06)
  • ​Define and Validate Key Assumptions for each Change (04:58)
  • ​Collaboratively creating an S&T with the ProConCloud (04:50)
  • ​Summary of 5 Steps of the Strategy & Tactic Process (03:12)

Section 6: Demo of the Harmony Change Maker App

  • Harmony Change Maker App Demo
  • ​Harmony Change Maker Testimonial

2 Lectures - 14min

  • ​13:10
  • ​01:02

Section 6: Demo of the Harmony Change Maker App
(2 Lectures - 14min)

  • Harmony Change Maker App Demo (13:10)
  • ​Harmony Change Maker Testimonial (01:02)

Section 7: Bonus Resources

  • Tata Steel UK - Case Study presented by CEO Bimlendra Jha
  • ​How to identify the highest leverage changes in a company
  • ​Dr Goldratt on how to create an Ever-flourishing Company - Part 1
  • ​Dr Goldratt on how to create an Ever-flourishing Company - Part 2
  • ​Dr Goldratt on the importance of Harmony

5 Lectures - 1hr 22min

  • ​52:35
  • ​09:32
  • ​12:48
  • ​06:16
  • ​01:01

Section 7: Bonus Resources
(5 Lectures - 1hr 22min)

  • Tata Steel UK - Case Study presented by CEO Bimlendra Jha (52:35)
  • ​How to identify the highest leverage changes in a company (09:32)
  • ​Dr Goldratt on how to create an Ever-flourishing Company - Part 1 (12:48)
  • ​Dr Goldratt on how to create an Ever-flourishing Company - Part 2 (06:16)
  • ​Dr Goldratt on the importance of Harmony (01:01)

Instructor: Dr. Alan Barnard

One of the world's leading Theory of Constraints Experts

Dr. Alan Barnard is one of the world’s leading Decision Scientist and Theory of Constraints’ experts. Alan, a serial entrepreneur, is the Founder and CEO of Goldratt Research Labs, a company he co-founded in 2008 together with Dr. Eli Goldratt, creator of Theory of Constraints. There was an immediate connection between Alan and Eli after their first meeting in 1993. Alan and Eli were both curious about understanding why good people make and often repeat bad decisions within their life and in managing organizations. They were also both passionate about applying a robust scientific approach to developing new Thinking & Decision making methods and advanced Technologies to help people make better, faster decisions – decisions that move them closer to their goals.
Alan holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering (Cum Laude, 1991) and MsC and PhD in Management of Technology & Innovation (MOTI). His PhD thesis was titled “How to identify and unlock inherent potential within organizations (private & public) and individuals?”

Today, Alan works as a Strategy advisor, Researcher and Theory of Constraint (TOC) expert and educator, with both Fortune 500 companies as well as NGO’s and Government Agencies. His clients include Microsoft, Cargill, Tata Steel, Nike, ABB, BHP, Cisco, South32, SAP, Intel, Penguin Random House, BC Rail, Larsen & Toubro, Premier Foods, Fujitsu, Habitat for Humanity, UNDP, UNWFP and Utah Governor’s Office of Management and Budget.

Alan is very active in a number of Non-Profit Professional Organizations and Universities within his fields of interest. Alan is the former President of SAPICS and former chairman of TOCICO. Alan is also the Chairman of Odyssey Institute, a Non-Profit organization he co-founded with Dr. Eli Goldratt in 2005. Alan also serves as board member of BHP’s Science and Innovation Council and frequently serves as field supervisor of PhD students and guest lecturer at the DaVinci Institute and Duke University.


"Dr. Alan Barnard is one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever met. Sometimes highly intelligent people aren’t the best at business because they are almost too smart for their own good, but this is not the case with Dr. Barnard, he is the perfect balance of intelligence and action. 

He is one of those people who is always working on improving himself and his business, and he has become part of many high-level mastermind groups. As a result, he has infiltrated many circles of powerful influence. 
This is a driving reason why he has been able to experience so much growth and now sits on boards of highly advanced technology companies. 
He is someone who you need to watch out for as he is not stopping anytime soon.”

- JT FoxxSerial Entrepreneur and Founder of JT Foxx Organization
Source: Page 155 of “Millionaire Underdog: How to start, grow, scale any
business by JT Foxx, 2019 Edition”

"Dr. Alan Barnard is one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever met. Sometimes highly intelligent people aren’t the best at business because they are almost too smart for their own good, but this is not the case with Dr. Barnard, he is the perfect balance of intelligence and action. 

He is one of those people who is always working on improving himself and his business, and he has become part of many high-level mastermind groups. As a result, he has infiltrated many circles of powerful influence. 
This is a driving reason why he has been able to experience so much growth and now sits on boards of highly advanced technology companies. 
He is someone who you need to watch out for as he is not stopping anytime soon.”

- JT FoxxSerial Entrepreneur and Founder of JT Foxx Organization
Source: Page 155 of “Millionaire Underdog: How to start, grow, scale any
business by JT Foxx, 2019 Edition”

JT Foxx
Serial Entrepreneur
Founder of JT Foxx Organization

JT Foxx
Serial Entrepreneur
Founder of JT Foxx Organization

Tamio Ishibashi
Executive Board Member 
Daiwa House Group

Tamio Ishibashi
Executive Board Member 
Daiwa House Group

Dr. Graham Edwards
African Explosives

Dr. Graham Edwards
African Explosives

Amir Roggel
Innovation Leader
Intel Corporation

Amir Roggel
Innovation Leader
Intel Corporation

David Lykken
Transformational Mortgage Solutions

David Lykken
Transformational Mortgage Solutions

Suzanne Ravenall
The Effectiveness Company 
and The Ravenall Institute

Suzanne Ravenall
The Effectiveness Company 
and The Ravenall Institute

Kary Bheemaiah
Chief Innovation Officer
Capgemini Invent

Kary Bheemaiah
Chief Innovation Officer
Capgemini Invent

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If you are unsure whether Dr. Barnard could help YOU and YOUR TEAM...
Dr. Barnard is willing to have a 30-minute call at NO COST to you!
Click the button below to register your interest in having a call with Dr. Barnard!

Anthony Nathan

Anthony Nathan

Seth Page
Throughput Inc

Seth Page
Throughput Inc

Sayumi Ishibashi
UniFlow in Japan

Sayumi Ishibashi
UniFlow in Japan

Henry Camp
CEO and Founder
IDEA and TOC Equity Partners

Henry Camp
CEO and Founder
IDEA and TOC Equity Partners

Larry Perlov

Larry Perlov

Henry Bosa
Chief Information Officer
Retail Banking for First National Bank

Henry Bosa
Chief Information Officer
Retail Banking for First National Bank

Rudi Burkhard
Strategy Advisor and TOC Expert

Rudi Burkhard
Strategy Advisor and TOC Expert

Rocco Surace
CPA firm Bonadio Group

Rocco Surace
CPA firm Bonadio Group

Eli Schragenheim
Theory of Constraints Experts

Eli Schragenheim
Theory of Constraints Experts

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